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Free GED Classes Begin


November 14, 2021


Online/ Virtual

Join SIC in cooperation with Rend Lake College for FREE online test-prep classes! Classes are conducted via Zoom. Students will receive a box of helpful study materials. If a computer is needed, students may receive a computer on loan. Also available as needed are hot spots and data cards.

Classes are designed to help you prepare for the GED test modules. These free Zoom classes are held Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to Noon or 6-9 p.m. Reading and Math only classes are: Tuesday & Thursday 1-3 p.m.

To learn more, call 618-252 252-5400, ext. 2300 or 2329 or email ged@sic.edu

To enroll, click this link and complete the SIC form: https://sic.jotform.com/212205349043042