SIC Purchases OB Simulator with help from Delta Regional Grant, Used for Training
The Nursing program at Southeastern Illinois College has purchased a new obstetrical (OB) simulator, the Noelle birthing simulator, with the help of a Delta Regional Authority (DRA) grant.
With assistance from the Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission, SIC was able to secure a DRA grant for approximately $32,000 toward the purchase of the Noelle simulator for use with nursing programs.
“This simulator is a great addition to our instructional resources for our nursing students, as well as a state-of-the art training tool for those already working in the field,” stated Karen Weiss, Dean for Career and Technical Education.
The Noelle simulator not only gives the instructor the ability to manipulate different birthing situations, it also tracks the student’s actions during the scenarios. During the simulation, the instructor can complicate the scenario so that the student can learn how to react and adapt under those conditions.
“The addition of the Noelle simulator allows significant progress in our ability to provide real-life OB experience in a low-risk environment,” said Amy Murphy, Director of Nursing and Allied Health. “Clinical time in the OB unit is limited in this rural setting. The instructors can now provide simulation experiences of a wide variety of obstetrical emergencies as well as uncomplicated labor and delivery scenarios.”
The Noelle simulator joins the pediaSIM, a pediatric simulator that is a reproduction of a 6-year-old child, and the METIman simulator that is a full-size adult male.
“We now have high fidelity simulators that will enhance teaching of any adult, pediatric, or obstetrical nursing care,” said Murphy.
Not only does this simulator help train students at SIC, it has also been used in workforce training. Earlier this month, Ferrell Hospital in Eldorado sent employees to gain knowledge by training with the Noelle simulator. This in-service was to review basic and common complications of maternal and newborn care for the hospital’s emergency nurses.
“Even though the nurses at Ferrell Hospital don’t deliver a lot of newborns, it does still happen,” said Laura DeVous, Practical Nursing Hybrid Instructor at SIC. “The in-service was designed to improve the delivery of care for both mom and baby in the event an individual delivers at their facility.”
For further information on the Nursing program at SIC, contact Jim Butler at 618-252-5400 ext. 2325 or