SIC in Cooperation with RLC Offers Free GED Zoom Classes

Free GED classes are back at SIC through a cooperative program with Rend Lake College. The pair are offering GED classes via Zoom with classes starting every few weeks.
The GED, which stands for General Education Development, is known as an option for those who didn’t finish high school, so they can earn a high school equivalency diploma and be eligible for college classes. The GED test modules include English, Math, Social Studies and Science. The free classes prepare students for each of these modules.
“We are excited to offer these online classes in partnership with Rend Lake College,” said Lori Cox, SIC Associate Dean of Workforce and Community Education. “This is a great opportunity for students during this time to still attend class and obtain their high school equivalency diploma.”
Class start dates coming up are March 8, April 5, May 3, and May 17. The Zoom classes are held Monday through Thursday 9 a.m.-noon or 6-9 p.m. Reading and math only classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-3 p.m.
Students in the SIC district will receive a box of helpful study materials when you register for a class. Students who need a computer can get one on loan from SIC. Also available as needed are internet hot spots and data cards to be used for the classes.
Testing can be done on the SIC campus about every couple of weeks. The testing fee is $30 per module ($120 total). Fees may be paid online by debit, credit card or voucher purchased from the Regional Office of Education. Testing fees do not include the cost of the Illinois High School Equivalence Certificate ($10)/ Official Transcript ($3). Assistance may be available for reduced or free testing fees.
Elizabeth Miller of Eldorado (formerly Pope and Hardin counties) completed her GED at SIC last fall.
“It was a lot easier than I thought it would be,” said Miller. “I took English first, then scheduled social studies and Science together and Math last. I was able to finish in just a couple of months.”
Miller, a mother of two young boys, had completed high school via homeschool, but needed her GED to apply for her paraprofessional certificate, in addition to some college credits she had already taken.
“I was a substitute aide for a short time before becoming a student aide, which I did for five years. At that time, I just needed something extra to help out. But then I ended up changing circumstances, and the teacher’s aide job became available, but it required a paraprofessional certificate,” said Miller.
Miller, has since earned her paraprofessional certificate and got the job as teacher’s aide in the autism classroom at Eldorado High School. But she’s not stopping with her GED. Miller plans to continue her education beginning with an associate degree at SIC.
Cox mentioned that although Miller was able to complete the GED tests quickly, hers was a special circumstance since she had already finished high school via homeschool and downloaded study guides and practice tests on her own. Miller also noted that she would have loved to take the classes to make sure she was prepared, but circumstances required her to move quickly.
To learn more about GED classes, contact Lori Cox at 618-252-5400, ext. 2300, or email Register for classes at For additional testing information or to schedule a test, call ext. 2383 or email