About SIC
Board of Trustees
Facts & History
Traffic & Parking Regulations
Because traffic and vehicle parking are of major concern on a commuter campus such as Southeastern Illinois College, the following traffic and parking regulations have been established for the safety and well-being of our students, visitors, and staff while on campus. In addition, the State of Illinois Traffic Laws are to be observed. The Campus Security Office is located in room A-152B.
Posted signs regulating parking, traffic flow, speed, and movement must be obeyed. Unless posted otherwise, the speed limit on campus is 15 m.p.h.
Southeastern assumes no responsibility or liability for:
- Loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents.
- Loss or damage in connection with its roadway or parking program.
Southeastern reserves the right to tow or disable any vehicle in violation or abandoned.
Handicap Accessible Parking spaces are posted. Authorization from the State of Illinois is required. Students and employees must obtain an accessible permit from the Security Office, at no charge.
Visitor Parking - Designated visitor parking is available in most lots and is not intended for student or employee use.
You may not park:
- On any sidewalk or grassy area.
- In front of or in a manner that restricts access to a fire hydrant.
- In a manner that blocks, restricts, or impedes full exit and/or entry of any door.
- On any athletic field or area designated for athletic events only.
- In a manner that blocks or restricts use of wheelchair ramps.
- During an emergency, in any manner or area that restricts or impedes use of movement of emergency equipment or vehicles.
- In any manner or area not designated as an authorized parking space.
- Along the access road to the Robert I. Gregg Technology Building.
Citations, Fines, & Collections
Citations and written warnings are issued to violators as official notifications of violations. The registered operators (for vehicles with campus permits) or the registered owners (for vehicles without campus permits) will be the responsible parties for violations. Each parking and moving violation is assessed a $15 fine.
Payment of Fine
Fines are payable by mail or in person at the College Tuition Payment window located in E Building on the 1st floor or in the Business Office, 2nd floor. Please provide a copy of ticket upon payment.
Non-payment of Fines
Unpaid fines will result in the withholding of college services such as transcript requests, releasing of final grades and, where applicable, paychecks may be withheld.
Appeals of Traffic Citations
Citations are issued for violations of the Illinois Vehicle Code and/or Southeastern Illinois College Traffic and Parking Regulations. The recipient of a ticket may seek an appeal if he/she believes that:
- The citation received is not a violation of the Illinois or SIC Regulations.
- Sufficient mitigating or extenuating circumstances existed at the time of the violation to warrant a review of the issuing officer’s decision.
To initiate an appeal, the recipient of the citation must submit a written request along with a copy of the citation within 5 days from the date the citation was issued to the Security Office, located in Room A 152, in the Learning Center. The Parking and Traffic Safety Committee will consider the circumstances and all of the available information from the appellant and the issuing officer. The appellant will be notified of the decision of the Committee. The decision of the Parking and Traffic Safety Committee is final.
Parking Permits
Parking permits are required for students, faculty, and staff of Southeastern and may be obtained in the Bookstore or Business Office, E Building upper floor, for a $5 fee for everyone.
Student permits expire every summer.
Employee permits expire every three years