Technology Policies
Anyone using technology resources at SIC is required to abide by the College’s Acceptable Use Policy | 4019.
Social media used by students, faculty and staff to represent or discuss matters concerning the College and/or members of the College community must abide by the College's Social Media Policy | 4023.
Everyone is expected to know and abide by the laws that govern copyright and intellectual property rights by following the College's Copyright Policy |4020.
Peer to Peer File Sharing
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) includes provisions that require any institution that accepts federal student financial aid to develop a plan and implement a strategy to reduce the illegal uploading and downloading of copyrighted works through peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing.
The college complies with these provisions in the following manner:
The college has developed a written plan to document its compliance.
Use of college network resources to illegally obtain copyrighted works and materials through peer-to-peer file-sharing or other methods is prohibited.
Violation of these regulations may include but is not limited to college disciplinary procedures and reporting of activities to proper authorities.
The college encourages the use of legal sources for online content maintained by Educause.