Accountability at Southeastern Illinois College means quality. How do we maintain our quality? Through a variety of continuous quality improvement processes that are constantly in progress to improve our institutional effectiveness. Southeastern has an institutional effectiveness cycle that includes budgeting, strategic planning, assessment, program review, and performance evaluations.
Assessment at Southeastern is an ongoing, continuous quality improvement effort that has become a part of the institutional culture.
Illinois Community College System
Southeastern is a member of the Illinois Community College System representing 48 colleges and 39 college districts.
Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional effectiveness at Southeastern Illinois College consists of a process that integrates mission, assessment, planning, and budget to increase their alignment and organizational efficiency.
Office of Institutional Research
The mission of the Office of Institutional Research is to provide research, data, and analysis in support of institutional effectiveness and the overall College Mission.
Quick Data
SIC by the numbers.
Strategic Planning
Translating our goals into action. Multiple subcommittees were formed to engage in the new process of examining the College's mission, vision, goals, and values.