Office of Institutional Research
The mission of the Office of Institutional Research is to provide research, data, and analysis in support of institutional effectiveness and the overall College Mission.
General functions of the mission:
- Work collaboratively with administrators and faculty in identifying data needs.
- Investigate factors related to student success using a methodological framework.
- Oversee data requests from external agencies with the support of the Information Technology department.
Institutional Research Services:
- Oversee and respond to all internal and external research requests.
- Identify data needs for annual performance objectives and program reviews.
- Design survey instruments for data collection.
- Provide data for research projects and grants.
Research Requests
All external data or research requests should be sent to
*Internal faculty/staff, please submit requests through the appropriate cabinet supervisor. The form can be found on IntrinSIC.
All requests for surveys/research, whether internal or external, must get Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to conducting research.
More Information
Higher Ed Opportunity Act
Southeastern Illinois College is required to disclose various consumer information as authorized by the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Click below to learn more.
Student Right to Know
Information for the Student Right-To-Know Act and Student Achievement Outcomes.
Dashboard and Benchmarks
District Demographics, Financial Metrics, Human Resources, Internal Success, Federal and State, Enrollment Metrics, Benchmarks
IR Definitions
The College actively engages in efforts to track and report student outcome measures as indicators of institutional performance.
Equity Gaps
Equity Gaps refer to the student success gaps faced by marginal groups, which limit equitable outcomes for our students.
COVID Response Executive Summary
In May 2020, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research along with the Executive Dean of Student Services thought it necessary to begin tracking SIC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, its effect on our students, and our ability to plan ahead.