Illinois Community College System
Southeastern is a member of the Illinois Community College System representing 48 colleges and 39 college districts. The governing board of the system is the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). Southeastern Illinois College is fully recognized by ICCB, having gone through its most recent successful recognition visit in 2015. In it's final report to the College after the 2015 recognition visit, the College was commended in a number of areas for its quality programs and service to students.
The ICCB website may be accessed at This site provides a great deal of information and data about all community colleges in Illinois, including Southeastern. Questions about SIC’s recognition by ICCB may be directed to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Office at 618-252-5400, ext. 2201.
ICCB Program Review
The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) coordinates a statewide system for the review of instructional programs. The purpose of the review is to support strategic campus-level planning and decision-making that relates to instruction and instructional support areas, and to demonstrate accountability in maintaining cost-effective, high quality programs and services that responds to the needs of the district. Each program or non-instructional area is evaluated every 5 years. This process is integrated with strategic planning, assessment, and budgetary planning. Submission of a local summary report to ICCB is required by August 1st of every year.
Summary Reports
You will need to log on IntrinSIC.
Review Schedule
You will need to log on IntrinSIC.