High School Students
Southeastern Illinois College offers Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment opportunities for students still in high school. Eligible students can participate in the following programs:
- Accelerated College Experience (ACE) Program - University prep program for high achieving high school students.
ACE Program Information | ACE Application Form - Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit at SIC
- Dual Credit at our In-District High Schools
- Early College Program
- Health Occupations
- Summer College Prep
Dual credit classes earn students high school and college credit at the same time. It is important to note that whatever grade you receive for a dual credit class is recorded on your high school grade card and college transcript. Therefore, it is very important that you take your coursework seriously and do your best!
If you are planning to take a baccalaureate course, you must take the ASSET or COMPASS test and score at the appropriate level or have a 20 or higher on your ACT before registering for the course. In most cases, the ASSET test is scheduled at your high school, but it can also be taken on SIC's main campus or at the Carmi Center. The COMPASS test can be taken at SIC's main campus. Both Career and Technical Education (CTE) and baccalaureate dual credit students must complete the High School Program Registration Form and have it signed by your high school counselor.
The Illinois Community College Board requires that all baccalaureate courses be articulated with senior institutions or the Illinois Articulation Initiative. SIC's baccalaureate courses have been articulated with most of the major universities in Illinois. In addition, the college has articulated courses with Murray State University, University of Southern Indiana and Southeast Missouri State University. Career and Technical Education (vocational) courses generally do NOT transfer, but apply toward an array of certificates and degrees (AAS) at SIC. Even so, some courses, such as CIS 119, may transfer. Students are strongly encouraged to work with an SIC advisor to determine exactly how a particular course transfers.
All of SIC's dual credit courses are offered tuition-free to students in its district. Students may be responsible for supplemental costs associated with certain programs for items such as fees, book, supplies and insurance (where applicable).
Dual credit classes are college level courses that are identified and accepted by the high school as meeting a high school graduation requirement (concurrently earns high school and college credit). Dual credit classes must be completed during "regular" secondary school hours, typically between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Tuition is waived; however, either the student or the high school is responsible for all other related costs, including textbooks, etc.
Dual enrollment simply means that a student is still in high school and enrolled in a college-level class at the same time; however, the coursework does not meet any high school graduation requirement (only college credit is earned). Courses are typically completed outside normal secondary school hours. Tuition is waived; however, the student is responsible for all other related costs, including textbooks, etc.
Your dual credit/dual enrolled classes ARE counted toward Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress. In other words, your grades and/or withdrawals could impact your future financial aid. For more specific information, students should refer to the current Student Handbook for complete details.
Contact Information
High School Recruiter/Dual Credit Coordinator
Nicole York, ext. 2536
Tiffany Brannock, ext. 2415
Executive Dean of Student Services
Kyla Burford, ext. 2440
Executive Dean of Academic Services
Tyler Billman, ext. 2250
SIC Board Policies
Southeastern Illinois College offers a great way for high school students interested in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to earn college credit while still in high school, as well as sample various vocational program areas!
The on-campus afternoon CTE dual credit program gives high school students the opportunity to take classes at SIC's main campus during the afternoon, generally between the hours of 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., in the following areas:
In order to participate, students must attend one of Southeastern's in-district high schools, be at least 16 years old and have a GPA of 2.5 or above. Tuition is waived for eligible students. Students are responsible for book and supply purchases. Students may also be responsible for fees. College credit is awarded upon the successful completion of the class, and becomes a permanent record on your SIC college transcript.
Students can register at their high school when our High School Recruiter/Dual Credit Coordinator visits. You will need consent from your high school counselor to enroll in the CTE on-campus dual credit program.
*Not all courses are offered each semester.
Southeastern Illinois College offers a number of classes for dual credit that are taught at the high schools by the high school teachers. These classes are specific courses that have been articulated for dual credit. When a course is articulated for dual credit, that means that both the college faculty member and the high school instructor have agreed that the content of the college course matches that of the high school course. The college course syllabus is used by the high school instructor, who ensures that all college course objectives will be met as they teach the high school course. When this process of articulation has taken place, then the student receives both high school and college credit for the course. Tuition and fees are NOT charged for these classes.
Southeastern has courses articulated for dual credit at all of its in-district high schools; however, the courses articulated for dual credit vary from high school to high school. Most articulated classes are in the career and technical education areas, such as computer technology, business or the industrial arts areas. However, there are a few baccalaureate transfer courses that have been articulated for dual credit, such as history, biology, English, music and physical education.
If you would like to know what courses have been articulated for dual credit at your high school, contact the High School Recruiter/Dual Credit coordinator at 618-252-5400, ext 2536 or email dualcredit@sic.edu.
The Early College Program allows eligible high school students the opportunity to complete a number of college courses while still in high school, giving them a head start on a college degree and saving substantial dollars on college tuition. High school students residing in the Southeastern Illinois College district who have completed their freshman year of high school are eligible to apply for the Early College. Students must meet all eligibility requirements. Freshmen and sophomores may participate in the Early College Program during the summer semester only. Juniors and seniors may participate during the summer, fall, and spring semesters.
Students accepted into the Early College Program will receive a tuition scholarship; however, fees and other associated course expenses, including textbooks, must be paid by the student.
Courses that fall within the Early College Program are baccalaureate transfer courses and online Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. If approved by the high school, courses may be taken for dual credit, which allows students to receive high school credit as well as college credit. Courses may also be taken as dual enrollment courses, with only college credit being earned.
Not all courses are offered each semester.
Summer College Prep
College prep courses in English, math, reading and writing will review and develop skills necessary to ease the transition into college level courses. Prep courses can also help improve students' grades while still in high school!
Eligibility is based on ACCUPLACER test scores and being referred to the program by a high school instructor or high school counselor. The ACCUPLACER test measures reading, writing and math skills and helps place students in a course that builds upon their current ability. Tuition is waived (up to eight credit hours) for eligible students. If you have completed your high school senior year, you must be enrolled full-time at Southeastern for the next fall semester to qualify for the tuition waiver. Students are responsible for fees, book and supply purchases.
English 101 and 109
Math 101, 106, and 109
Courses are available online and through the Dana Keating Student Success Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the summer.
For more information about these courses, contact the High School Recruiter/Dual Credit Coordinator by calling (618) 252-5400 ext. 2536 or by email at dualcredit@sic.edu.
Not all courses are offered each summer semester.