Applying for State and Federal Grants Webinar
Are you interested in applying for state or federal grants? Did you know there is what is known as a “pre-award” process? Learn how to register your business and file all of the pre-award documentation so that you are ready when those great grant opportunities are announced. While this presentation will focus on Illinois state grants, much of the registration requirements are the same for Federal grants and government contracting. THIS PRESENTATION WILL NOT INSTRUCT YOU ON AN ACTUAL GRANT APPLICATION.
These are pre-recorded webinars:
August 9th from 10-11
September 13th from 10:30-11:30
October 18th from 10 -11
November 8th from 9- 10
December 6th from 9 – 11
To register, visit https://ilsbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events?centerid=55