Student Government Food Drive Begins!
Student Government will be hosting a food drive on Monday, February 5 through Friday, February 9 benefiting the local “Caring for Kids” food program. “Caring for Kids” provides additional food resources to food insecure Pre-K – High School students in the Unit #3 district. Students get food bags that fit in their back backs to cover weekends and school holidays.
This organization is staffed by volunteers from community churches and is housed in the First United Methodist Church in Harrisburg. 100% of the donations and food go to Pre-K – High School Unit 3 students.
Since “Caring for Kids” helped Freddies Food Pantry secure a grant this spring, we would like to host this drive to thank them.
Examples of items needed:
Individually wrapped- fruit cups, applesauce, fish crackers, chips, cookies, ramen noodles, mac and cheese, etc.
Clubs will be competing to see which club can contribute the most. If a competitive team beats the amount donated by the winning student club, student activities will give them a pizza party, too!
Boxes will be located in the theatre lower lobby, B Hallway and G building.
*If you are a competitive team or a campus club participating in the competition, bring food donations directly to Ms. Whitler, Mr. Lees or Melody Bryant! Please do not leave your donated items in the boxes. We want you to get credit for your items donated!
Let the competition begin!