Paul Simon Scholarship Essays Due!
NEW FOR 2024! Get a $25 gift certificate just for submitting your essay!
Attention current SIC students! The Illinois Community College Trustees Association’s annual Paul Simon Essay Contest provides a $500 scholarship to the student who best describes “How My Community College Has Changed My Life.”
Each essay must be brief (less than 500 words), typed, and address the theme “How My Community College Has Changed My Life.” Entrants may use “How My Community College Has Changed My Life” as the essay’s title or create their own title related to the theme.EACH ENTRY WILL BE JUDGED ON THE BASIS OF WRITING STYLE, CLARITY OF EXPRESSION, AND RELEVANCY TO THE TOPIC, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS PLACED ON CORRECT GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION.
Each essay must be brief (less than 500 words), typed, and address the theme “How My Community College Has Changed My Life.” Entrants may use “How My Community College Has Changed My Life” as the essay’s title or create their own title related to the theme.EACH ENTRY WILL BE JUDGED ON THE BASIS OF WRITING STYLE, CLARITY OF EXPRESSION, AND RELEVANCY TO THE TOPIC, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS PLACED ON CORRECT GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION.
Essays are due in Southeastern’s Office of Academic Affairs (C203) no later than FEBRUARY 23, 2024. The local winner will receive a $50.00 award and the right to compete in the statewide contest. SIC will submit the local winning essay to the ICCTA for participation in the statewide contest. Essays can be emailed to amanda.payne@sic.edu or mailed to:
Essays are due in Southeastern’s Office of Academic Affairs (C203) no later than FEBRUARY 23, 2024. The local winner will receive a $50.00 award and the right to compete in the statewide contest. SIC will submit the local winning essay to the ICCTA for participation in the statewide contest. Essays can be emailed to amanda.payne@sic.edu or mailed to:
SIC – Academic Affairs Office (C203)
3575 College Rd.
Harrisburg, Ill. 62946
3575 College Rd.
Harrisburg, Ill. 62946
The state ICCTA winner of the Paul Simon Student Essay Contest will receive a $500 cash stipend for educational expenses during the fall 2024 semester. In addition, ICCTA will invite the state winner to attend the association’s June 7 awards banquet