Faculty & Staff

Login Accounts

If you need help logging in to any of your online accounts, including Canvas, MySIC, txtSIC, Intrinsic, and Email.  Please use the buttons below for assistance.

Account Setup

Support Ticket

Technology Services

Find information on technology services available to SIC employees.  

Parking Permits

Parking permits are required for students, faculty, and staff of Southeastern and may be obtained in the Bookstore or Business Office, E Building upper floor, for a $5 fee for everyone.


  • Student permits expire every summer.
  • Employee permits expire every three years.


The Human Resources Department is located on the 2nd floor of E Building in the President's Suite at Southeastern Illinois College. Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We can be contacted at:

Phone: 618.252.5400 ext. 2482
Fax: 618.252.3156
Email: sky.fowler@sic.edu

We are dedicated to promoting a work environment that attracts and retains talented, high-caliber faculty and staff, and which challenges each of us to perform at the highest level of achievement and contribute to the mission of the College.