SIC Announces New Employees on Campus

Southeastern Illinois College students will see some new faces on campus this semester. New faculty and staff hires were announced during the college’s annual August faculty and staff meeting, which kicks off the new semester.
Front Row (L-R): Shirley Johnson of Carrier Mills, Child Study Center Clerk; Sara DeNeal of Harrisburg, Art Instructor; Laura Lowery of Omaha, Student Services Support Specialist; and Breanna Bergeron of Norris City, Customer Service Center Specialist.
Back Row (L-R): Tiffany Kesler of Marion, Music Instructor; Kelly Smith of Harrisburg, Child Study Center Toddler Room Teacher; Marzel Scates of Omaha, Payroll/Accounting Clerk; Melody Boots of Harrisburg, Communications and Relations Specialist; and Kelsie Bond of Galatia, Business Instructor.