Wyatt of Allendale Signs to Compete for SIC Archery
March 22, 2019

Mt. Carmel High School student Tristyn Wyatt of Allendale, Ill., has accepted an invitation and scholarship to compete for the 2019-2020 Southeastern Illinois College Archery Team. Wyatt, who shoots in the bow hunter division, shot for the Wabash Warriors S3DA Team while in high school. She would like to pursue a career in medical sonography.
Head Archery Coach, Alli Armstrong said, “We are so glad to have Tristyn on the team! Not only is she a great archer, she also brings such a bright, positive attitude along with her to every shoot.”
Pictured (left to right) are Talley Wyatt (Tristyn’s sister), Jeff Wyatt (Tristyn’s father), Tristyn Wyatt, Erica Wilkas (Tristyn’s mother), and SIC Head Archery Coach, Alli Armstrong.