Technology Help Center
For technical assistance, please complete the applicable electronic service request form below. SIC is committed to providing an exceptional level of service. Every attempt is made to respond to support tickets within one business day when college is open.
Student Support
Click the button below to complete the online support request. We do our best to respond within one business day during normal operating hours. If you provide an email address, this will be our preferred method of contact. Please monitor your email for a response. If your request is in regards to college-provided email, please provide a personal outside email contact.
Help Desk Hours
Fall/Spring: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Monday - Thursday 8:00a.m - 4:30p.m.
Employee Support
Click the button below to complete the online support request. We do our best to respond within one business day during normal operating hours. If you provide an email address, this will be our preferred method of contact. Please monitor your email for a response. If your request is in regards to college-provided email, please provide a personal outside email contact.
Help Desk Hours
Fall/Spring: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Monday - Thursday 8:00a.m - 4:30p.m.
Learning Remotely
Students should anticipate communication from their instructors in the coming days, or they should contact their instructors for direction.
Teaching Remotely
Instructors should work with relevant support personnel on the varied delivery needs as well as the academic dean on the submission of instructional delivery plans.