CRJ 216 – Criminal Justice Internship Program
The internship experience is designed to provide students working towards certificates and Associate in Applied Science degrees in Law Enforcement or Corrections with an opportunity to develop insight into the practical application of academic knowledge.
The purpose of the internship is:
- To enrich classroom learning through exposure to related on-the-job experiences.
- To assist in the determination of career goals.
- To provide experience in the field for those just entering the criminal justice field.
- To broaden that experience and the students’ perspective on criminal justice issues for those who have prior experience in the criminal justice field.
- You may not enroll during the first semester of college work.
- You must have completed at least twelve (12) semester hours of CRJ course work.
- You must have completed appropriate paperwork and met with the Internship Supervisor.
The internship program is designed to help students maximize their understanding of the criminal justice process through the integration of theoretical classroom learning with practical learning experiences. More specifically, the internship experience is designed to help each student:
- Integrate and apply the theory and research skills derived from his/her criminal justice coursework;
- Gain first-hand knowledge and a greater understanding of a criminal justice agency, including the administrative functions and the community forces which affect its organization and administration;
- Develop techniques and skills common to the criminal justice system (e.g., observing, planning, and data collecting);
- Learn about one’s own abilities and aptitudes. You will see for yourself the kinds of personalities, temperaments, diplomacy, community relations, behaviors, and other normative modes of conduct that do and do not work, are and are not acceptable, in criminal justice agencies. Further, you will learn the jargon and operational terminology that practitioners utilize in their daily communication.
Placement Procedures
- Upon registering for CRJ 216, the student must meet with the Internship Supervisor to discuss prerequisite and course requirements and receive appropriate paperwork, including an application.
- Once paperwork is completed, the Internship Supervisor makes a decision for placement and provides the student with a time frame to contact the agency for an initial interview.
- After the interview, the agency will notify the Internship Supervisor of the acceptance or rejection of the student. If the student is accepted, the student and the Agency Supervisor will complete a Learning Contract prior to the internship start date.
Background investigations by agencies are routine in virtually all student internships. Keep in mind that the initial screening may range from a brief interview and fingerprinting to a very thorough screening process requiring several months. As a result of the agency internship process time, early coordination with the Internship Supervisor and the selected agency is critical.
SIC Criminal Justice Internship Packet
For those interested in interning with the Illinois State Police, please follow this link for more information: Illinois State Police Internship Program Guidelines & Application
Here are some of the agencies that have partnered with SIC to provide internships:
- Carmi Police Department
- Eldorado Police Department
- Gallatin County State’s Attorney
- Gallatin County Sheriff’s Department
- Harrisburg Police Department
- Illinois State Police
- Indiana State Police
- Saline County State’s Attorney
- Saline County Sheriff’s Department
- Saline County Probation Office
- Saline County CASA
- Shawneetown Police Department
- Springfield Police Department
- White County State’s Attorney
- White County Sheriff’s Department