June 1 is SIC Brenner Memorial Bass Tournament
The Rodney J. Brenner Memorial Buddy Bass Tournament, sponsored by the Southeastern Illinois College Foundation, will be held on the Ohio River’s Smithland Pool Saturday, June 1.
The five-fish limit tournament will have an 80% guaranteed payout of money collected from entry fees, minus the big bass portion of the fee which will pay back 100%. The entry fee for a two person team is $150, which includes use of the Foundation’s bass-release boat.
Weigh-in will be at the Golconda Marina on the Ohio River at 3 p.m. Boats will start from the marina at safe light Saturday morning, June 1.
A brief pre-tournament meeting will be held on the water immediately before the start of the tournament.
The SIC Brenner Memorial Bass Tournament was established in remembrance of Mr. Rodney J. Brenner to raise funds for scholarships to provide to incoming SIC students from the college district. Brenner was a charter member of the Southeastern Illinois College Board of Trustees and was very instrumental in pursuing Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) funding for the development of the Golconda Marina.
He was editor of the Herald-Enterprise in Golconda, served on IDNR’s advisory board for a number of years, and actively promoted tourism and economic development in Pope County and Southern Illinois.
Net proceeds from the tournament will be shared equally by the SIC Foundation and the SIC Archery Team to support student success.
For information and tournament entry forms, call 618-252-5400, ext. 2104, or toll free 866-338-2742, or visit www.sic.edu/basstourney.