Humanities, Social Sciences, and Fine Arts
Southeastern Illinois College’s Government program provides baccalaureate students with a wide variety of transfer options and learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom environment.
Government Courses
- GOVT 121 (American Government)
- GOVT 226 (International Relations)
- GOVT 260 (People and Politics)
- GOVT 261 (Federal and National Politics)
It also includes activity-based courses like GOVT 260 (People and Politics), where students get the opportunity to play the roles of legislators and debate legislation in the actual House and Senate chambers at the Capital in Springfield.
GOVT 261 (Federal and National Politics) students spend a week in Washington D.C., where students get to literally experience their government.
It is one thing to study about government in a textbook or read about the legislative process in your news feed but quite another to actually attend a Supreme Court Session, meet with congressional staff, and your elected representatives.
These courses are designed to not only give students a comprehensive, firsthand look at our State and Nation’s Capital, it also allows them to engage the actors who occupy these positions.
SIC’s Model Illinois Government Team recently celebrated its 20th year in competition. During that time, it has been named Outstanding Delegation twelve times and has brought home numerous individual awards.
Founded in 1961, SIC’s Student Government organization is the oldest club on Southeastern’s Campus. Students have the opportunity to run for office, represent their fellow students, build leadership skills, write for the Falcon Flyer, and tangibly improve student life on campus. Elections are held in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Contact Advisor Matt Lees for more information about either organization at (618)252-5400 ext. 2216 or